Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Paulo Uchibori and Sons, 
Dauntless Christian Samurai Martyrs

          On February 28, 1627,  atop a volcano whose boiling springs are known today as “Unzen Hell,” a fearless Catholic samurai named Paulo Uchibori shouted out his final words to the ears of all his mortal torturers and all the heavenly host: “Praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament!”
          He had endured a regime of tortures far beyond the reach of any merely-mortal power of endurance. First, imprisonment along with his three sons in a dank, pestilential dungeon of  a prison within the walls of Shimabara Castle; next, taken out to the grounds at the edge of the castle’s moat, forced to watch as the lord of Shimabara’s torturers cut off his beloved sons’ fingers—even five-year-old Ignacio didn’t flinch—before they began to cut his own; then, stripped naked and taken out in a boat along with other prisoners, forced to watch the taunting and drowning of his sons in the cold waters of Shimabara Bay. Then, with the word CHRISTIAN branded on his forehead, he was exiled into untouchability and homelessness, with all Shimabarans forbidden to give him food or shelter lest they too taste the ruler’s wrath. The effect of all this on Paulo Uchibori was, contrary to the ruler’s and his torturers’ expectations, to prove the mettle of Paulo and his Christian fellows in the crucible of hell’s most sadistic torments.
The story of Paulo Uchibori and his heroic sons, along with stories of many other Christian martyrs of Japan, is to be found within the pages of this author’s latest book,

Samurai of Light: the Real Martyrs of “Silence”
   available here  (print edition) and here  (Kindle edition)  on
©2019 by Luke O’Hara,